There are three states (Avastas) for us. They are Jagrath, Swapna and Sushupta states. In first state the person will be aware of the environment and nature. In the second state the person will be getting dreams in sleep. In the third state the person will have good sleep without any dreams. There is one more state called "Tureeam", Samaadhi. The first three states cover the experiences of a person in the physical existence.

Causes of Dreams :

The causes of dreams are many and mainly depend upon the physical and mental states. The dreams may be due to the experience in the JaagrathAvasta or due to the unfulfilled desires buried in the mind.

Bad dreams are generally seen in fever or acute pain. Dreams are induced by external objects also. Unfavourable and dirty atmosphere can cause bad dreams. At the time of sleep sweet sounds give sweet dreams. Distrubed mind can also cause bad dreams.

Freud says that lust, hatred, desire, jealousy and other disturbed feelings can also bring dreams. Mr.C.G.Jung, a psychologist of the west says that Dreams are not mere embodiment of suppressed wishes and fears but they convey much more.

When man sleeps at night for rest or for the digestion of food, sense organs merge with the mind. Mental experiences without the sense objects constitute dreams. Thus Dreams are experiences of man in sleep where there is no feeling of his physical existence.

As per Charakasamhita, the dreams are of seven types.

" DhrishtamShrutaanubhootam cha Praardhitamkalpitamtathaa Bhaavajamdoshajamchaivaswapnamsaptavidhamvidhuhu "

  1. Seen by eyes
  2. Heard by ears
  3. Experienced by other sense organs
  4. Desired ones
  5. Imagined by mind
  6. indicators of good or events that are to take place
  7. Arising out of humours , Vaata (wind), Pitha (Bile) and Kapha (Phlegm)

There is a mention of bad and good dreams in Puranas and Aurvedic literature.

Use of dreams in Aurveda :

Dreams occur due to varience in humoursVaata, Pitha and Kapha( wind, Bile and Phlegm). The detection of the afflicted humour can be identified by the dream a person got.

A person afflicted Vaata (Wind) dreams black colour, winds and walking on clouds.

A person afflicted by Pitha (Bile) dreams bright things like fire, gold, Sun, flames etc.

A person afflicted by Kapha dreams watery things, rivers, ocean, snowy mountains.

When to Expect The Results of Dream :

  1. Dreams seen in the first part of the night will come into effect within one year
  2. Dreams seen in the 2nd part of the night will fructify within six months
  3. Dreams seen in the 3rd part of the night will fructify within 3 months
  4. Dreams seen in 4th part of the night will fructify within 15 days
  5. Dreams seen at dawn will fructify within 10 days

Remedial Measures :

If bad dreams are seen, they should not be mentioned to anyone. The person should sleep again or take bath. Prayers to Vishnu or Shiva or Ganesha or Aditya are to be offered.

Donation of Black gram, Til, iron, gold also give good results. Chanting of Purushasooktam or GayatriMantram gives good results.

DREAMS - Your Future

The Meaning of Dreams and Dream Interpretation :

From the most ancient times people have been interested in finding out the hidden meanings of their dreams, and through the centuries a vast lore of dream interpretations has accumulated. Here follows some of the more common dreams with their traditional meanings.

It should be remembered that not all dreams have a special significance. Many dreams are merely things remembered from the preceding waking hours; thus if you have spent the day in your garden weeding the flower beds, it signifies nothing if you dream that night of flowers. The dreams which are significant and merit interpretation are the ones for which you cannot account by the ordinary process of memory. Thus any dream which refers to something that has not happened to you in your waking hours with the last week or so is likely to have a special meaning for you – warning or a promise.

What are the meanings of dreams? Are dreams a message from God or our ancestors? Is our subconscious telling us something while we sleep? What are dreams? How can we make use them?

Dreams are stories experienced while we sleep, containing a mix of real and false details. Many believed that dreams are divine messages from Gods but people in the Middle Ages thought that dreams are the temptation from the devil.

The subconscious mind is a most remarkable mechanism when it comes to creating dreams. Most people find their dreams an unintelligible mix of hidden meanings of dreams and secret symbols because that is the intention on the subconscious mind. It wants no interference from the dreamer's input or meddling with any of its actions. The subconscious wants to keep your mind, body and spirit in balance and it does so by sending you through gauntlet of its creations that can range anywhere from a night of grinding psychedelic terror to a blissful trip to the heavens in the company of angels and God like figures.

Your subconscious mind does this because you are its favorite person and it wants to keep you, your emotions, your mind and feelings in equilibrium. Whether you wake up crying, shaking, or floating on cloud nine, is no concern as long as you shape up. And if you don't get the message the first time, you can be certain that you'll be visited again with a replay of the action.

Dreams sometimes contain significant and realistic information for us, depicting on what has happened in our lives in the past, or what is happening currently and providing insights about what our future holds for us. In many ancient traditions and beliefs dreams were considered to be messages from the gods and were often taken seriously.

The ant housed in the depth of the earth, away from atmospheric changes, knows of the approach of the harvest, and comes forth to lay by his store. In a like manner, the pet squirrel is a better barometer of the local weather than the Weather Bureau. With unerring foresight, when a wintry frown nowhere mars the horizon, he is able to apprehend a cold wave twenty-four hours ahead, and build his house accordingly.

So in sleep, man dreams the future by intuitive perception of invisible signs or influences, while awake he reasons it out by cause and effect. The former seems to be the law of the spiritual world, while the latter would appear to be the law of the material world.

The dream mind is often influenced by the waking mind. When the waking mind dwells upon any subject, the dream mind is more or less influenced by it, and it often assists the waking mind in solving difficult problems. The personal future, embodied in the active states of the universal mind, may affect the dream mind, producing premonitions of death, accidents and misfortune.

The objective mind rejoices or laments over the aspects of the past and present, while the spiritual mind, striving with the personal future, either laments or rejoices over the prospective conditions. One is the barometer of the past, while the other is the barometer of the future.

If we study carefully the spiritual impressions left upon the dream mind, through the interpretations we will be able to shape our future in accordance with spiritual law. Thus our temporal events will contribute to our spiritual development, and in turn our spiritual knowledge will contribute to our temporal welfare. Without this harmonious interaction of the two great forces in man, the Divine plan of destiny cannot be reached.

Dreams are successions of images, ideas, emotions and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. The content and purpose of dreams are not yet understood, though they have been a topic of speculation and interest throughout recorded history.

Throughout history, people have sought meaning in dreams or divination through dreams.] Dreams have also been described physiologically as a response to neural processes during sleep; psychologically as reflections of the subconscious; and spiritually as messages from a god, the deceased, predictions of the future, or from the Soul. Many cultures practice dream incubation with the intention of cultivating dreams that are prophetic or contain messages from the divine.

Judaism has a traditional ceremony named Hat vat Halom. Literally meaning "making the dream a good one", through this rite disturbing dreams can be transformed to give a positive interpretation by a rabbi or a rabbinic court.